Cette recherche propose de comprendre le rôle de la distance psychologique à l’égard de la Covid-19 sur l’attitude et le respect des consignes sanitaires avant et pendant la période de confinement. Pour cela, 5 800 personnes ont été interrogées le 15 mars 2020 et pendant le premier confinement. Nous montrons la relation complexe entre la distance perçue envers la maladie, l’attitude et le comportement des Français en nous inscrivant dans une perspective longitudinale et en appréhendant la distance de manière relative et absolue.
Why did we follow health guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic? Perceived distance from the virus: A new interpretative framework
This research study investigates the role of psychological distance from COVID-19 on attitudes toward and compliance with health regulations before and during the lockdown period. We polled a total of 5,800 people on March 15, 2020 and during the first lockdown. To illustrate the complex relationship between perceived distance from the virus and the attitudes and behavior of French people, we opted for a longitudinal approach and considered distance in relative and absolute terms.